
European Network for a Plant-Based Diet

Due to the looming damage to our climate, environment, humankind and animals there is an urgent need to change the global non-sustainable food system. As the EAT-Lancet Report proves, it is vital to change the global diet to one based on a higher intake of plant-based foods in order to reach the Sustainable Development Goals and the goals of the Paris Agreement. To achieve this transformation an increasing implementation by initiatives promoting a plant-based diet in Europe is necessary. Because pioneers (and their success stories) of varying European backgrounds aren’t very widely connected there is an unused potential of synergies and progress for the promotion of a plant-based diet. The PlantEurope project aims to work toward correcting this shortcoming by creating fruitful discussion with one another and bringing about active pan-European cooperation.


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The immediate goal of the PlantEurope project is the connection of pioneers and flagship projects, start-ups, organizations, associations, scientists and stakeholders within the gastronomy and communal catering sector. By creating and expanding this European network, alongside other measures taken, the ultimate goal of changing the food system to one rooted in a plant-based diet will be accelerated. 


The initial steps in implementing this project will be the establishment and maintenance of a Europe-wide network for a plant-based diet and alternative protein sources. A number of varying measures will be taken as part of this process. The first measure is the creation of a network website, which will provide the opportunity to collect input by the network participants, political decision-makers and the interested general public. The following content will be included:

  • digital toolkit to promote and implement a plant-based diet in various areas of society
  • project presentations of successful initiatives in the form of articles and videos
  • an overview of relevant networks and actors
  • a list of relevant studies

In addition to the website itself, an online community forum will be available to enable network members to get in contact with each other directly to exchange information and provide swift and easy assistance.

Part of the network activities will be the implementation of numerous smaller events such as “speed dating” between members and bilateral meetings to initiate synergies. Additionally, three live events covering different aspects of the plant-based diet are planned. In order to inform politicians and the general public as well as to provide network actors with additional knowledge, two reports will be generated. The first report will serve as a guideline on the “Political Strategies for the Promotion of a Plant-Based Diet in Europe” and will give an overview of the approaches to a plant-based diet in Europe. This report is primarily meant to inform political decision-makers and will be available in both English and German. A second report will cover best practices and approaches of the European countries and contain example projects, options for action as well as obstacles and gaps in the implementation of a plant-based diet. This second report is aimed at all target groups of the PlantEurope project.


  • Policy strategies and instruments for the promotion of a plant-based diet in Europe This report, in accordance with the current state of scientific knowledge, considers the plant-based diet to be a crucial lever for the transformation of the food system. A plant-based diet enables compliance with planetary boundaries and offers both environmental and health benefits for humans. Additionally, it contributes to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). 4 MB
  • Good Practices to Promote a Plant-Based Diet in Europe The need to switch to a predominantly plant-based diet for climate protection and a healthier population has been scientifically proven. This report highlights how networks, associations, organizations, companies, research institutions and actors from the community catering and gastronomy sector are already making important contributions through pioneering work in the field of sustainable and plant-based diets. It presents good practices as inspiration for producers, food processors, start-ups, companies, associations, networks as well as actors from the catering and gastronomy sector to take similar initiatives or build on them. The focus is on sharing experiences and highlighting opportunities and challenges. Finally, the key findings of the good practices are presented. 15 MB

Contact person


Helen Engelhardt

Office Berlin



Project partners


Helen Engelhardt

Liddy Piweck

Antje Wilke

Lydia Kitz

Funded by

Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation, Nuclear Safety and Consumer Protection (BMUV)


12/2021 - 05/2024